Monday, November 28, 2016

Did you get it all.

Recap: Stay away from all processed foods; white sugar, gluten (most breads), fast food, cheap meat, dairy, candy, chips, soda, etc... They will only give you more Cellulite because your body doesnt know what else to do with it. Instead eat; wild caught salmon, grass fed organic beef, non gmo fruits and vegetables, potatoes for carbs, nuts for healthy proteins, and drink plenty of water! Your musclesneed lubrication to grow and not tighten up on you. Do cardio training of any kind until you get tired and cant go no more to build your stamina. Use HIIT workouts to burn fat constantly. Use weights to build muscle to replace those layers of fat. Document every detail to monitor your transformation. Give yourself a resonable goal to hit; "Ill lose 5lbs by the end of the week." "Ill lose an inch around my waist over the next month" Make them resonable and easy to hit to stay motivated. Last but not least, dont ever quit on your dreams! Haters are gonna Hate cuz you got something they dont, so give them something great to Hate on, Like your Bikini Body, Bubble Butt, Slim Waist, Curves, Solid Muscles, No Cellulite. Use these tips to get back the real you! The Healthy, Confident, Sexy you. Enjoy your transformation!!!

Overnight Dream Body!!

It takes time:

There is no such thing as a quick fix to getting the body of your dreams. It takes time and dedication to shed the fat that took years to develop, to build muscles that took years to atrophy, to build stamina that took years of being lazy to make it hard to breathe. Now i cant give any specific time frame for you, because i haven't seen your body, i don't know your current diet. What i can tell you is this. It is possible to sculpt your body to perfection, as long as you keep at it. Working out is a Lifestyle or Hobby. Sculpting muscle and burning inches of fat is not an overnight thing. Sometimes it could take 3 years to get that bikini body, but as long as you document your progress and commit to eating healthy and exercising 3-6 times a week you are Guaranteed To Start Seeing Results!!! Don't ever give up!

So anyone that you see is that is advertising you will lose weight over night is a joke. Its impossible to build healthy muscle and shed unhealthy fat in a short amount of time. If you think that it will happen that quick, i suggest you keep a List of Accomplishments Journal. Your going to need it to stay motivated. Set reasonable goals for yourself and make sure that you work your butt off to meeting them.

Look at this way, your body is a sculpters canvas, every time you do a squat, there's one more chip gone off that block of stone. every time you do a crunch its another small chip gone. If you do enough small chips, your body will become sculpted and sexy.

Document Your Progress?

Documentation: Document your progress. The more you write out what you accomplish day by day, the more motivated you will stay. I suggest writing out everything. What you ate for the day at what time(every bite), how many reps you completed in a 30 second hiit training, which exercises did you do that day, weigh yourself weekly, measure yourself weekly, how far did you run, how long did it take you to run that far, what kind of foods are you eating, take weekly pictures of yourself, which and how much nutrients did you consume that day. The more you document your journey, the more progress you will see. Its easy to get unmotivated when you are using only your eyes to look for results. So writing everything down makes it easier to keep at it.


1. How many rounds of HIIT did you do?

2. How long were your HIIT rounds?

3. How many of each exercise did you do per round?

4. When did you begin sweating?

5. Are you monitoring your heart rate?

6. When did fatigue start? (what round, how far in, which exercise)

7. When did you start adding weights?

8. Are you pushing at full speed, half speed or quarter speed?

9. Do you feel pumped or tired after the workout?

10. How much did you weigh at the beginning of the week?

11. How much do you weigh at the end of the week?

12. Are you measuring yourself weekly and monthly?

13. How sore do you feel after leg, upper body, and core day?

14. Which exercises give you the hardest time?

15. Did you complete the whole workout?

Remember the more detailed you are in your documentation, the more progress you can see first hand. It's easy to get demotivated while working out, thats why so many people stay fat and lazy!!! You are no longer that kind of person!!! You are the person that set a goal and monitors every piece of progress to help you reach your goal. Don't ever give up!! Your Dream Body is right around the corner.


1. How far did you run today? (1 block, 1/2 mile, 1 mile, around the block, around the neighborhood?)

2. Did you walk, jog, run or sprint today? or did you a combination of these 3?

3. Are you monitoring your heart rate?

4. How out of breathe are you after your run?

5. How fast did you run today? (if you run at least a mile a day, how long does it take you to run that mile? Compare it to last week.)

6. What body parts hurt while running?

7. How long did you run today? ( documenting it down to the minute is fine)

8. What was the weather like on your run? ( I noticed i run farther on rainy days, but faster hotter  on days)

9. Are you keeping a steady pace? Doing burst sprints? walking? if changing it up, make a note how long you ran, how long you did the sprint, how long your walking rest had to be.

10. How many hills are on your run?

11. What burns when you run up the hills?

12. How does your body feel running down the hills?

13. How fast can you run up or down the hill?

14. How steep are the hills your running? ( gradual, kinda steep, very steep, short and steep, long and gradual?)

15. How was your breathing today? (Fast and shallow? easy and comfortable? Can hold a conversation but kind of restrained?)

16. Weigh yourself in the beginning and end of the week to compare results.

17. Measure yourself on a weekly and monthly basis.

18. Are you taking Pictures of your body for either time lapse or before and after photos?

Why is Cardio so popular?

 Running, jogging, treadmill, jumping jacks, jump rope etc... Are all forms of cardio training. These will work out your diaphragm and increase your lung capacity. The more oxygen that you can intake the more stamina you will have in general. The more Stamina you have, the more energetic you become. The more energetic you become the more you want to do more fun and exciting activities in daily life. Cardio is a must to lose fat and build muscle. If you get out of breathe in the first 5 minutes, how are you going to finish the routine? I always suggest incorporating some kind of daily cardio to keep the lungs strong and the blood flowing smoothly. How much cardio is enough? Well in the beginning do cardio until your tired. Then keep going everyday until you get so tired you cant go on. If you keep track you'll notice that you go a little further everyday, to where you finally reach the point where you don't get tired very easily. I say when you can run a mile and not be out of breathe, your on the fast track to your dream body.

Now its very easy to overwork yourself in a cardio routine. The optimal level of exercise you do is very important to your overall health. How do you know when too much is too much? When after your 20 minute jog, if you can't hold a conversation because of your breathing you worked out way too hard!!! If you can talk with no problems, you didn't train hard enough. Optimal results are a healthy medium, being able to hold a conversation with some restraint.

Also be wary of your heart, it is a very strong muscle but can become strained if over exerted. Say your rests at 20% of its maximum capacity, increasing your rate to around 45%-60% is perfect for your cardio vascular system. That medium level will promote healthy blood flow and oxygen intake. No strain on heart muscles, moderate sweating and overall Stamina Building Juice to get your results fast!

When you combine cardio with strength training it really ups the results for your muscle building. Cardio sends more oxygen and blood flow streaming throughout your body. Which in return cools down your overworked muscles in an efficient way and promotes rapid healing. It also opens your blood valves to allow healthier flow to all of your muscles.

All in all Cardio is one the best ways to tone muscle, shed fat, cool down your muscles and increase overall stamina. It needs to be incorporated into every routine you have.

P.s. Try 30 seconds of weights, 10 seconds rest, 30 seconds cardio, 10 seconds rest. Go for as long as you can. The results will follow!!!

Weight Training

You want to lose weight fast? Then you came to the right place. Im going to give you 5 priceless tips to shed the most fast possible and get the body of your dreams! But, first thing is first. You need some education on why you've gained so much weight.

Weight Training: Strength training is key to getting that dream body! If you have no muscle mass, and shed away all the fat you turn into a toothpick with no curves. You have to build up the muscle underneath the fat, so when the fat disappears theres beautiful sculpted muscles to look at afterwards. Always incorporate weight that challenges you Not Overwhelms you. You need to feel your muscles burning around the 6th - 8th rep. Then tell yourself "I only got 2 more to hit 10 this round". If you start off too heavy you will probably just hurt yourself by pulling or (even worse) ripping a muscle. It takes days sometimes even a week to heal. Then after a week of not working out, you lose all momentum to start up your workout regimine again. So start off light and work your way up to heavy weights. Using weight while doing Hiit is the perfect mix, to build muscle and shed fat at the same time.

HIIT is best!

You want to lose weight fast? Then you came to the right place. Im going to give you 5 priceless tips to shed the most fast possible and get the body of your dreams! But, first thing is first. You need some education on why you've gained so much weight.

HIIT: Stands for HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING. These type of workouts by far produce the best results in burning away unwanted fat deposits. They involve explosive workouts, with little rest. Normally Hiit workouts are 30-60 seconds intense workout, with 10-20 seconds rest in between, with on average 40 rounds of exercise. Hiit workout is capable of speeding up your metabolism and burning fat for up to 72 hours after it is completed. You literally burn fat away while you sleep. I Love Hiit, bust out a 30 minute session targeting the lower body for 30-45 minutes 3 days a week. I know that it pays off and there are plenty of results posted of women losing 10-20lbs a week when they first get started building their dream body. Hiit works on everything, cardio (fast paced workouts), strength training (incorporate weight), fat burner (metabolism stays active afterwards) and stamina. There is all kinds of Hiit workouts on Youtube, remember to alternate between upper body and lower body every other day.

Cellulite problem?

You want to lose weight fast? Then you came to the right place. Im going to give you another priceless tips to shed the most fast possible and get the body of your dreams! But, first thing is first. You need some education on why you've gained so much weight.

 CELLULITE! Where does it come from? Well cellulite are fat deposits that form around water and hang out right below our skin above the muscle. When you eat processed, hormone, anti biotic raised animals, chemically produced snacks, dairy, sweets, gluten foods, etc... Your body has no real use for these, so it packs it on for winter. So over all the years that you bought that cheap red meat, or ate a bag of chips, or snuck a cookie. Your body (while digesting) realized that there is no nutrients in the food and took the waste that was left, turned it into fat deposits and stored it above the muscle, so it would get burned first in case of an emergency. Just so you know, Cellulite is the biggest problem for almost all women. It takes a long time to get rid of. Those fat deposits are hard and durable. They trap water which makes them jiggly and they like to clump together like a community. So now we have an idea of what Cellulite is, lets talk about getting rid of it!

Food is very important!

You want to lose weight fast? Then you came to the right place. Im going to give you 5 priceless tips to shed the most fast possible and get the body of your dreams! But, first thing is first. You need some education on why you've gained so much weight.

1. Food: Food is the most important reason why we gain weight, especially women. Dr. Axe puts it best when he says "We are what we digest". Now, our bodies are an amazing machine that is capable of healing itself and complex enough to break down microscopic nutrients and deliver to wherever these nutrients are needed, automatically without any effort on our part. The thing is, it is so good, that everything we eat is used for a variety of reasons. Im not going to get into every little detail, that would be a very large article. So lets just stick with the problem for now. Some healthy foods to eat are; grass fed organic beef, wild caught salmon, free range chicken or turkey, fruits and vegetable of all varities, nuts, superfoods for nutrient boosts, and drink lots of water!!! If you dont understand or cant pronounce the ingredients on the package Do Not Eat It!!! Meat provides the easiest form of protein and iron. These are essential to building muscle and increasing stamina. I understand that there is a vegan movement right now, if you refuse to eat good organic meat you will find it very difficult to get enough protein to keep building muscle. Even Dr. Axe says eating a 4-6oz grass fed, organic steak when you feel fatigued is great for the body. Especially around when Aunt Flow comes to visit. You need to replenish your iron!!! Blood contains iron, Blood is red, Steak is Red. Eat more steak!!!