Saturday - Meditation and Visualization

Every Saturday we will relax into a deep meditation to relieve all our stresses from the week.  We will learn breathing tecniques and do some inner work to get overall well-being for our Body, Mind and Spirit. Meditation is a universal practice that can be applied regardless of background. They even say that we are in a walking meditation. Thats because meditation is accessing different states of awareness. Since everything consists of states of awareness, Stressed, excited, peaceful, busy, lazy, etc... Meditation accesses very specific states that aren't commonly traveled. Your going to enjoy what we come up with on saturdays.

I will also give you random New Age Spiritual tips that can be incorporated into any religious background to better yourself as a human being.

We also practice visualization. this is really fun cuz you can let your imagination run wild. How do you know what kind of body you want without a goal to get there. When you visualize a desired outcome, it makes it easier to take the necessary action to get your goal!


Is one of the most difficult meditations for any beginner. The average human being will think around 400-500 words a minute, which is 24,000-30,000 words an hour, every hour they are awake. So to clear the mind of all thoughts is very difficult for the majority of people living in our society.

Our society is built on distractions and stimulus. We distract ourselves with our electronics; TV, phones, tablets, computers, gaming systems, music to say the least. We also focus on our stimulants to help us get by like; exercise, driving, hobbies, reading, working, conversations, cleaning, preparing and eating food, shopping, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes or vaping, and even sex are all forms of stimulus distractions among many other things.

People don't take the time to just sit down quietly, turn off all distractions, be sober and just think to themselves. When most of us can finally accomplish sitting quietly, the mind just doesn't stop wandering. We have programmed our mind to live this way. We stay constantly busy with all of our day to day tasks, stress, future, past, you name it. Since we've been like this for so long, we have a difficult time stopping thoughts, let alone slowing it down to give our minds a chance to rest.

So what needs to be done is to reprogram the mind to slow down and eventually stop all incoming and outgoing thoughts. How do we this?

STEP 1: Spend an hour a day for at least a couple of weeks, sitting alone in a comfortable spot, with no distractions around you. Allow your thoughts to just wander. Watch and observe your wandering thoughts with no judgement towards them the entire time. Over time it will become easier for you to see the randomness of the thoughts that you think.

You'll start to notice patterns and cycles of thoughts. You'll find which thoughts lead you to specific emotions of stress, sadness, fear, joy, peace and love. You'll find out everything about yourself, which is terrifying for most people, because we use our distractions to run away mentally from things that hold us back or things that aren't socially acceptable. Your truth will be revealed unto you, that's why it is very important to monitor your thoughts with no judgement, to not damage yourself any further. Just take mental notes of the cycles and patterns you find, with the intention to understand yourself better.

STEP 2: After you've done this for about a week or 2. You'll start understanding more about yourself as time goes on. Which is excellent by the way. Over time you won't be afraid of your truths and actually get better at expressing them. The only reason you didn't express all your truths before is because you didn't fully accept them within yourself. So after you start accepting them you will no longer care about other peoples judgements, because you are now comfortable with who you are. You will feel more complete inside. Yay!!!

Now you can begin quieting the mind. The easiest way to do this, is by telling your mind to think of nothing. When you think of nothing you are actually doing something so it helps the mind stay distracted by thinking of nothing.

So contemplate what nothing is to you. Watch the back of your eyelids for a while. Start to imagine say an all white room or a vacuum of space with lights. How bright can you make it or how dark can this vacuum become?

Do your best to hold the thought of nothing for as long as possible. In the beginning especially your mind will wander because it likes stimulus. So monitor your mind wandering and say something to yourself like "I understand you would like to this of this subject, but right now I need to rest, I'll remember this thought and come back to it in a little bit. For now I need to rest" then go back to your thoughts of nothing.

Practice this for the next couple of weeks until it becomes easy for you to think of nothing for a long period of time.

Step 3: Since contemplating nothing is actually doing something. Now its time to have no thoughts. The exercise of thinking of nothing has now given you the ability to slow down your thought processes and gain more control. So how do we stop all thoughts?

Easy, just stop all thoughts completely. Wat6ch the back of your eyelids, and only watch them. Picture your all white room and just watch how bright it is. Picture your vacuum of space and watch how dark it is there. When I have no thoughts it feels like I'm in the mid brain. The Neocortex is where our monkey mind resides with our imagination and mental chatter.
So just FEEL out this space you find in your mind. You will know when you get there, when all mental chatter stops. All you can do is just see and feel and you have no desire to think. The feeling of peace becomes known. You gain a sense of control from this point on. Like you can literally with your own will create anything you desire from this space in your mind.

Now what you have accomplished is entering into the Void. The Void is Absolute Nothing, All Things Potential. There's a Spiritual teaching that says "when the Void contemplated itself, all life began in an instant". If this is remotely true, then when we reach our own inner void, we now can create whatever it is we like.

From this place vividly imagining something becomes much easier. So all aspects of meditation must start from this point. This is the place to create from.

The more you enter the Void or no thinking, the easier it will be to reduce stress and anxiety, negate all influences coming in. Gain control of thoughts that you put out. Contemplate the best strategy for your next move in life. Mindful meditations become easier to visualize and feel.

You can go back into the past and observe things from an unbiased point of view, which will help you release emotional baggage or childhood trauma. Change the scenario in your own mind to feel better about yourself now.

All answers lie within yourself, to go into the Void and ask yourself questions wait patiently for an answer, when it comes you will know for certain that is the most accurate answer for you, every time. Your next career move can be found by going into the Void and asking questions and waiting for your replies. Your soul knows best, and now you have discovered how to listen to your soul.

The more you practice getting into the void or Stopping thinking, The easier it will be for you to go in and out of the Void at will, regardless what distractions are around you. You will become calmer, more confident in your truth. You will learn and know yourself inside and out and have little problems handling tough situations or letting go and forgiving troubles in your past. The possibilities for your future becomes endless.

So what are you waiting for?

Start practicing right away to set your future up for the greatest possibilities that you could ever create!

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