Document - Sundays

People will often overlook the importance of documenting your progress. When you break down why its important it makes sense. I believe that documention in every detail will be your drive and motivation to keep going. Imagine, that you begin a running exercise. When you kept track of how far you run and how long it took you to run it. You'll notice that you get slowly better everytime. You can watch how fast your getting, how much farther your lungs can hold up. How much farther you run as the weeks go by. You can set bigger goals for yourself that are resonable because you have difinitive proof of progression over the last month, you can learn wxactly how your body improves. See what i mean? Its always cool to look back and say "look at how far I've come, this is cool".

I like to call documentation my "List of  Accomplishments".  Yeah I think thats what ill name it My List of Accomplishments.

Im going to go into detail on each health and fitness subject seperately for the next few blogs. This way you can grab however many details you want and apply them to your list of  accomplishment.


1. How many rounds of HIIT did you do?

2. How long were your HIIT rounds?

3. How many of each exercise did you do per round?

4. When did you begin sweating?

5. Are you monitoring your heart rate?

6. When did fatigue start? (what round, how far in, which exercise)

7. When did you start adding weights?

8. Are you pushing at full speed, half speed or quarter speed?

9. Do you feel pumped or tired after the workout?

10. How much did you weigh at the beginning of the week?

11. How much do you weigh at the end of the week?

12. Are you measuring yourself weekly and monthly?

13. How sore do you feel after leg, upper body, and core day?

14. Which exercises give you the hardest time?

15. Did you complete the whole workout?

Remember the more detailed you are in your documentation, the more progress you can see first hand. It's easy to get demotivated while working out, thats why so many people stay fat and lazy!!! You are no longer that kind of person!!! You are the person that set a goal and monitors every piece of progress to help you reach your goal. Don't ever give up!! Your Dream Body is right around the corner.


1. How far did you run today? (1 block, 1/2 mile, 1 mile, around the block, around the neighborhood?)

2. Did you walk, jog, run or sprint today? or did you a combination of these 3?

3. Are you monitoring your heart rate?

4. How out of breathe are you after your run?

5. How fast did you run today? (if you run at least a mile a day, how long does it take you to run that mile? Compare it to last week.)

6. What body parts hurt while running?

7. How long did you run today? ( documenting it down to the minute is fine)

8. What was the weather like on your run? ( I noticed i run farther on rainy days, but faster hotter  on days)

9. Are you keeping a steady pace? Doing burst sprints? walking? if changing it up, make a note how long you ran, how long you did the sprint, how long your walking rest had to be.

10. How many hills are on your run?

11. What burns when you run up the hills?

12. How does your body feel running down the hills?

13. How fast can you run up or down the hill?

14. How steep are the hills your running? ( gradual, kinda steep, very steep, short and steep, long and gradual?)

15. How was your breathing today? (Fast and shallow? easy and comfortable? Can hold a conversation but kind of restrained?)

16. Weigh yourself in the beginning and end of the week to compare results.

17. Measure yourself on a weekly and monthly basis.

18. Are you taking Pictures of your body for either time lapse or before and after photos?

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