Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Whats all the fuss about Coconut Oil? Well Coconut Oil is literally the most diverse product on the market. Not only can you replace all your oil products in the kitchen, but you can also use it as a moisturizer, tooth paste, hair grease, disinfectant for cuts and scrapes, healthy fat substitute and so much more. For now I'm just going to list a few of the health benefits.

1. Easier to digest
2. Doesn't store as regular fat
3. Anti-microbial and anti-fungal
4. Liver actually processes this oil to instantly turn it into energy
5. Cells can use it as energy
6. Natural Treatment for Alzheimers
7. Prevents heart disease and high blood pressure
8. Cures UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)
9. Cures Kidney Infection
10. Protects the Liver

11. Reduces Inflammation in the body
12. Reduces Arthritis
13. Prevents Cancer from developing
14. Anti-bacterial and anti-viral
15. Improves memory and overall brain function
16. Produced longer sustained energy and natural endurance
17. Improves digestion
18. Reduces stomach Ulcers and Ulcerative Colitis
19. Lessens symptoms of pancreatitis and gall Bladder disease
20. Improves skin ailments (burns, dandruff, eczema and psoriasis

21. Oil pull to prevent gum disease and tooth decay
22. Leading natural treatment for Osteoporosis
23. Improves Type 2 Diabetes
24. Excellent for Weight loss (especially belly fat)
25. Helps to build Muscle
26. Hair conditioner for dry hair
27. Helps in reducing Candida and Yeast Infections
28. Reduces stress on liver to give it Anti-Aging properties
29. Helps reduce estrogen in women
30. Helps balance Hormone levels

31. Curbs appetite
32. Acts as sunscreen
33. Reduces Seizures
34. Helps improve Type 1 diabetes
35. Eliminates Free Radicals damage
36. Promotes stress relief
37. Treatment for Kidney Stones
38. Treatment for Gall Bladder Stones
39. Lauric acid (45-55% of Coconut Oil) Increases the bodies Immune System
40. Has an abundance of Vitamin E
41. Greatly stimulates Pancreas to produce Insulin
42. Reduces Protein loss in hair
43. Protects every form of hair from combing damage
44. Improve skin hydration
45. Protects the Kidneys
46. Helps prevent wrinkles
47. Helps prevent Sun damage
48. Supports the Thyroid Gland
49. Helps to improve sleep
50. Remineralize your teeth

Geez, know wonder Coconut oil has taken the Western states by storm. The Pacific Islanders call Coconut Trees the Trees of Life. As you can see with this list above anyone can find a use for Coconut Oil in their home. Be careful when buying it though, people assume that virgin is unrefined and that is very inaccurate. It has to be Refined at some point or else they would just sell you a Coconut. My experience tells me this, the stronger the smell of Coconut the less refined it is. The unrefined that I've found actually have small Coconut chunks in it. I like the unrefined for toothpaste and skin care, and the pressed kind for cooking and overall eating.

Sunday, December 25, 2016


Week 1.

When starting out HIIT routines, are the hardest most pain in the ass way of getting fit. I like that i feel that way about it, because it lets me know exactly what i need to work on. The sore muscles from the vigorous strength training, mixed with the collapsing feeling of the intense cardio, so perfectly interwoven that promotes healthy muscle growth, 48 hour fat burn and a chance to breathe easier tomorrow.

I Love HIIt and Hate It in the same breathe. Why? HIIT is the only workout that will always make you tired and push you as hard as you can go in a safe and productive way. I never have to worry about hurting myself with too much weight and i always can take a quick water break to let my lungs relax. I know that everytime i do HIIT I feel stronger, quicker and leaner afterwards. On top of that its easier for me to monitor my improvement when my weekly HIIT routine is finished. Compare results as you go along on a week by week basis, using when you were getting fatigued as your ruler. You'll notice quickly how much stamina your gaining, You'll see that you are doing pushups with ease and knocking out more crunches in a 30 second period that you didnt think you would ever do before. Then you start stepping up your workouts by adding weights, sprinting in place, adding balancing moves, and doing them everyday.

Motivation is key to getting in shape and HIIT is the easiest way to monitor. Remember to always document your results on a day to day basis, and even a move to move basis. Like last monday you were able to do 10 pushups in 30 seconds. Now this monday you did 15 pushups in 30 seconds. I always suggest to write down the moves you will do and keep track of how you many you do right after each workout. Keep the pen and paper right next to you, so you can write down how many you did quickly on your break. You might not feel like your improving sometimes, so this method gurantees that you will see results and be able to goal set on a reasonable basis.

I suggest at least 3 HIIT workouts a week to get started. Go for 30 minutes total, 30 second intervals with 10 seconds rest in between. That leaves 45 workouts that you can do. 23 30 second sprinting and cardio and 22 muscle targeted workouts.


1. 30 seconds of pushups - 10 seconds rest - 30 seconds of jogging in place

2. 30 sec. of crunches - 10 sec rest. - 30 sec. of jumping jacks

3. 30 sec. of wide pushups - 10 sec rest - 30 sec. of mountain climbers

4. 30 sec. of diamond pushups - 10 sec rest - 30 sec of jump rope

5. 30 sec of V-ups - 10 sec. rest - 30 sec of jog in place

6. 30 sec. plank - 10 sec rest - 30 sec jumping jacks

7. 30 sec curls - 10 sec rest - 30 sec mountain climbers

8. 30 sec bench press - 10 sec rest - 30 sec jump rope

9. 30 sec crunch toe touch - 10 sec rest - 30 sec jog in place

10. 30 sec in and outs - 10 sec rest - 30 sec jumping jacks

Then repeat for 2 more round.  That could be a great upper body HiiT routine. Week 1 baby get at it!!!


Are You Stretching?


Being Flexible improves your balance and gives you full range of motion. It will relieve tension in the problem areas like upper and lower back, hips and glutes, hamstrings and quads. It also helps reduce cramping up when blended with enough water intake. Anytime you need to bend over, reach for something high, practice most sports especially golf, tennis and bowling, and even getting in and out of the car then stretching will make everything easier for you to do. Stretching in the morning can get your oxygen moving through your blood to help wake up the body. Stretching can also help you relax after a long hard day of work and kids. It promotes relaxation and is an excellent way relieve stress without taking up too much time in your day.

Flexibility training creates less resistance in tissues throughout the body. It actually increases the elasticity in your muscle and skin tissues. It improves your poster by realigning the soft tissues throughout the body that have adapted over time with bad poster habits. It promotes healthy blood flow by increasing its temperature to help it move freely to important muscles groups and especially joints. It helps carry nutrients to your muscle tissue for growth and overall endurance and also releases joint lubrication and sends nutrients through your cartillage to prevent joint related issues.

Stretching on a daily basis is by far one of the most important factors to overall health. But when should we stress? I've learned that if i start off with a light jog or brisk walk for about 5-10 minutes, it gets my muscles warm and increses blood flow. So stretching after I'm all warmed helps me not feel so tight when starting to stretch. Stretching should be relaxing and comfortable. Not difficult and straining. Its also meant to promote flexibility to give full range of motion to joints and muscles. So stretching before the actual workout is a great way to maximize the benefits of the routine. Then make sure to stretch afterwards to promote a healthy recovery.

It also helps with muscle memory and improves overall coordination of muscle movements. Reduces risk of injury throughout the workout and daily life because the muscles are more pliable. It improves overall performance of HIIt, Cardio, Weight Lifiting, Yoga, Stress Free Day, Sleeping, Joint movement and regular daily activities. If you can't stand up, bend over and touch your toes with ease. Then your not flexible. So stay intune for all different kinds of stretches to maximize and target not only specific joints and muscle groups, but whole body flexibility exercises.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Did you get it all.

Recap: Stay away from all processed foods; white sugar, gluten (most breads), fast food, cheap meat, dairy, candy, chips, soda, etc... They will only give you more Cellulite because your body doesnt know what else to do with it. Instead eat; wild caught salmon, grass fed organic beef, non gmo fruits and vegetables, potatoes for carbs, nuts for healthy proteins, and drink plenty of water! Your musclesneed lubrication to grow and not tighten up on you. Do cardio training of any kind until you get tired and cant go no more to build your stamina. Use HIIT workouts to burn fat constantly. Use weights to build muscle to replace those layers of fat. Document every detail to monitor your transformation. Give yourself a resonable goal to hit; "Ill lose 5lbs by the end of the week." "Ill lose an inch around my waist over the next month" Make them resonable and easy to hit to stay motivated. Last but not least, dont ever quit on your dreams! Haters are gonna Hate cuz you got something they dont, so give them something great to Hate on, Like your Bikini Body, Bubble Butt, Slim Waist, Curves, Solid Muscles, No Cellulite. Use these tips to get back the real you! The Healthy, Confident, Sexy you. Enjoy your transformation!!!

Overnight Dream Body!!

It takes time:

There is no such thing as a quick fix to getting the body of your dreams. It takes time and dedication to shed the fat that took years to develop, to build muscles that took years to atrophy, to build stamina that took years of being lazy to make it hard to breathe. Now i cant give any specific time frame for you, because i haven't seen your body, i don't know your current diet. What i can tell you is this. It is possible to sculpt your body to perfection, as long as you keep at it. Working out is a Lifestyle or Hobby. Sculpting muscle and burning inches of fat is not an overnight thing. Sometimes it could take 3 years to get that bikini body, but as long as you document your progress and commit to eating healthy and exercising 3-6 times a week you are Guaranteed To Start Seeing Results!!! Don't ever give up!

So anyone that you see is that is advertising you will lose weight over night is a joke. Its impossible to build healthy muscle and shed unhealthy fat in a short amount of time. If you think that it will happen that quick, i suggest you keep a List of Accomplishments Journal. Your going to need it to stay motivated. Set reasonable goals for yourself and make sure that you work your butt off to meeting them.

Look at this way, your body is a sculpters canvas, every time you do a squat, there's one more chip gone off that block of stone. every time you do a crunch its another small chip gone. If you do enough small chips, your body will become sculpted and sexy.

Document Your Progress?

Documentation: Document your progress. The more you write out what you accomplish day by day, the more motivated you will stay. I suggest writing out everything. What you ate for the day at what time(every bite), how many reps you completed in a 30 second hiit training, which exercises did you do that day, weigh yourself weekly, measure yourself weekly, how far did you run, how long did it take you to run that far, what kind of foods are you eating, take weekly pictures of yourself, which and how much nutrients did you consume that day. The more you document your journey, the more progress you will see. Its easy to get unmotivated when you are using only your eyes to look for results. So writing everything down makes it easier to keep at it.


1. How many rounds of HIIT did you do?

2. How long were your HIIT rounds?

3. How many of each exercise did you do per round?

4. When did you begin sweating?

5. Are you monitoring your heart rate?

6. When did fatigue start? (what round, how far in, which exercise)

7. When did you start adding weights?

8. Are you pushing at full speed, half speed or quarter speed?

9. Do you feel pumped or tired after the workout?

10. How much did you weigh at the beginning of the week?

11. How much do you weigh at the end of the week?

12. Are you measuring yourself weekly and monthly?

13. How sore do you feel after leg, upper body, and core day?

14. Which exercises give you the hardest time?

15. Did you complete the whole workout?

Remember the more detailed you are in your documentation, the more progress you can see first hand. It's easy to get demotivated while working out, thats why so many people stay fat and lazy!!! You are no longer that kind of person!!! You are the person that set a goal and monitors every piece of progress to help you reach your goal. Don't ever give up!! Your Dream Body is right around the corner.


1. How far did you run today? (1 block, 1/2 mile, 1 mile, around the block, around the neighborhood?)

2. Did you walk, jog, run or sprint today? or did you a combination of these 3?

3. Are you monitoring your heart rate?

4. How out of breathe are you after your run?

5. How fast did you run today? (if you run at least a mile a day, how long does it take you to run that mile? Compare it to last week.)

6. What body parts hurt while running?

7. How long did you run today? ( documenting it down to the minute is fine)

8. What was the weather like on your run? ( I noticed i run farther on rainy days, but faster hotter  on days)

9. Are you keeping a steady pace? Doing burst sprints? walking? if changing it up, make a note how long you ran, how long you did the sprint, how long your walking rest had to be.

10. How many hills are on your run?

11. What burns when you run up the hills?

12. How does your body feel running down the hills?

13. How fast can you run up or down the hill?

14. How steep are the hills your running? ( gradual, kinda steep, very steep, short and steep, long and gradual?)

15. How was your breathing today? (Fast and shallow? easy and comfortable? Can hold a conversation but kind of restrained?)

16. Weigh yourself in the beginning and end of the week to compare results.

17. Measure yourself on a weekly and monthly basis.

18. Are you taking Pictures of your body for either time lapse or before and after photos?

Why is Cardio so popular?

 Running, jogging, treadmill, jumping jacks, jump rope etc... Are all forms of cardio training. These will work out your diaphragm and increase your lung capacity. The more oxygen that you can intake the more stamina you will have in general. The more Stamina you have, the more energetic you become. The more energetic you become the more you want to do more fun and exciting activities in daily life. Cardio is a must to lose fat and build muscle. If you get out of breathe in the first 5 minutes, how are you going to finish the routine? I always suggest incorporating some kind of daily cardio to keep the lungs strong and the blood flowing smoothly. How much cardio is enough? Well in the beginning do cardio until your tired. Then keep going everyday until you get so tired you cant go on. If you keep track you'll notice that you go a little further everyday, to where you finally reach the point where you don't get tired very easily. I say when you can run a mile and not be out of breathe, your on the fast track to your dream body.

Now its very easy to overwork yourself in a cardio routine. The optimal level of exercise you do is very important to your overall health. How do you know when too much is too much? When after your 20 minute jog, if you can't hold a conversation because of your breathing you worked out way too hard!!! If you can talk with no problems, you didn't train hard enough. Optimal results are a healthy medium, being able to hold a conversation with some restraint.

Also be wary of your heart, it is a very strong muscle but can become strained if over exerted. Say your rests at 20% of its maximum capacity, increasing your rate to around 45%-60% is perfect for your cardio vascular system. That medium level will promote healthy blood flow and oxygen intake. No strain on heart muscles, moderate sweating and overall Stamina Building Juice to get your results fast!

When you combine cardio with strength training it really ups the results for your muscle building. Cardio sends more oxygen and blood flow streaming throughout your body. Which in return cools down your overworked muscles in an efficient way and promotes rapid healing. It also opens your blood valves to allow healthier flow to all of your muscles.

All in all Cardio is one the best ways to tone muscle, shed fat, cool down your muscles and increase overall stamina. It needs to be incorporated into every routine you have.

P.s. Try 30 seconds of weights, 10 seconds rest, 30 seconds cardio, 10 seconds rest. Go for as long as you can. The results will follow!!!